I've just had a brush with numerous viruses, the first I've had in years. I was browsing some free software sites (can't remember which, I was just following links), when I got a warning about a dodgy web page. Next thing I know AVG is popping up with all sorts of messages about trojans and viruses. At this point my pc is locked solid, so, rather than repair the damage, I decide to restore from backup...
Shutdown Windows: seconds - I pressed the off button!
Search for Drive Image 7 disc: 2 minutes - it was buried under some papers...
Boot into Drive Image: 4 minutes
Restore image: 5 mins 55 secs
Boot into Windows: 50 secs
So, up and running again in next to no time. Shows the value of good backups
As the backup is a few days old, I've lost some game saves - but that is only because of Microsofts insistance that programmers store program info locally instead of with the game (I have my games on a seperate partition). Everything else is as it was.