February is here, so let's see those desktop screenshots...
I make last night a new version for my desktop.
Here is the result:
martinlo64.... love the wall and the setup. Do you have a link to the wall?
I make it self-how big do you want it?The earth is from google-earth and the moon I copy from this side I make it in 1280px x 800px for my desktop but it's no problem make bigger..
Well WebGizmos I have added that to my Bucket List, but I doubt I will ever get it marked off, eating my vegetables is also on that list.
1280x800 widescreen, and 1920x1080p (if you can). Nice if you....Vielen Dank dafur! (sorry...no umlaut).
Bidde sehr...either no problem.I load it for you at UploadArea.de : Earth at Night+Moon
It look really nice together with my anthracite folder-if you are interested : anthracite_martin
Ahhh...Danish...I thought German...machts nicht.
Thanks! Downloaded the folders as well...so I guess I'm the first downloader of this stuff here at WC...
hvad behager?
Two more days left of Mardi Gras, y'all!
Hä? anyway-german was correct-that 'bidde' is Berlin'german..
Lovely greets -- Martin from Berlin
Beautiful skin and wall!
Meine Deutsch ist von Hochschule und Universtat und helfe mir nicht, Martin.... es tut mir leid!
Thanks, Seth.