February is here, so let's see those desktop screenshots...
I have soo many WB files, it's hard to settle on 1 for any period of time. Don't get me started on the wallpaper selection either
Wanna pick one of the 9000+ I have?
There are some really nice ones this month. Hey JVCipo that Wall is Cool Blue by Richard/Relhom http://relhom.deviantart.com/art/Cool-Blue-152997263 he does excellent work!
Here's mine this month.
WB - Azenis2 by JJ Ying http://jjying.wincustomize.com/
Wall - In Air Combat by TsubasaShi http://tsubasashi.deviantart.com/
Docks - Azenis by WebGizmos http://webgizmos.wincustomize.com/
Xion - i640 by Don5318 http://don5318.wincustomize.com/
OBDOck Icons (primary) - Wraith by SK Originals http://skoriginals.wincustomize.com/
All other icons by various artists,
This is on my main system haven't changed any of the others yet
Nice shot !!!!
Thanks for using S.U.I.Y.
RickJP...love the Music Mycolors. It is now available for 7...just installed it today. Oh happy joy...but where did you get the key board and other fun stuff?? I should say, under what names. They finish the suite perfectly!
....and another screen shot...this must be my "I am getting bored" month. Yeesh
Here's a screenshot of my laptop. Keeping it simple as I don't do much more than browse the net and watch an occasional movie on it.
Walll is just 2 of Vlad's wallpapers merged and dock I made it is just part of taskbar with 5 lines added and and a seperator
Nice cursor, Tim!
Rick, I think you have the same problem I do...LOL. I have only just changed my desktop(the latest posted screen shot) and I am thinking of another. You come up with some great combo's and look forward to seeing what you will come up with next.
Question though, doesn't the graininess of the demin drive you to distraction?????