Annoying isn't it? You pay good money for a seat on a new, modern plane, only to be cramped by some fatty sitting next to you. You pay for a seat, not three quarters of one, but the fatty pays for a seat and takes up one and a half.

So I say there should be a flight supplement for fatties. If you are going to take up one and a half seats then that's what you should pay.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 01, 2009

Is the fatty in a center seat?  If you have 3/4 of a seat and the fatty has 1 and 1/2, that makes 2 and 1/4 seats, but it seems only 2 are being paid for.   Seems the Airlines getting screwed on this one.


I'm so confused....

on Jul 01, 2009

My last airline trip made me almost phobic to ever try it again: It was just suppose to be a quick hour flight to LA, I got a window seat, and a VERY large man sat next to me.  I'm guessing 350lbs. There was no other seat available, and I did'nt want to hurt the guys feelings even if there was, but there I was, feeling like I was in a straitjacket for 3+ hours (because of delays).  I'm already claustriphobic, but after that, I'm terrified to fly ever again; feeling like I'm trapped in a tiny phone booth with another human squishing against me for hours.  If it was not for the alchohol they served me, I don't know if I could have handled it.

on Jul 01, 2009

This is all so simple.

If someone's too fat and their arms stick over into the space over the next seat then simply cut off their arms.

Personally, I find it objectionable to have to sit next to an ugly person. At least it's possible for a fat person to lose weight. There's nothing an ugly person can do except stay home. That's not a bad idea. We could define a persons ugly mass index and anyone above an acceptable level should be prohibited from being seen in public.

But then there's the fat ugly people. We should just kill them out of hand.

There, problem solved.

Another solution is to simply fly first class. If you can't afford first class then you're a peasant and should be taking the bus anyway.

on Jul 01, 2009

That's a little harsh, Mumble.  I'd say let them charge extra for ugly people and let them fly along with us beautiful folks.  As long as they don't touch us.  


And for those who want to say ugly is a matter of opinion...bullshit.  It's an objective and quantifiable attribute.  If you don't know how to pick one out, you're one of them.   

on Jul 01, 2009

It's an objective and quantifiable attribute.

Someone is too familiar with Ken Wilbur.

I still call bullshit on that.

on Jul 01, 2009

Then there's the smelly, ugly, sweating, noisy, fat people.

on Jul 01, 2009

How about you stop whinning about your seat. If you want to be really conffy why don't you buy yourself a first class ticket instead of pissing off People that are more built than you are.


Maybe you think you are skinny but you really are a fatty and should be even skinnier this way you would have enough of your 3/4 seat.


Dang idiot!


The problem is not the people who are heavier it,s the airline that's to dang greedy top put normal seats. You don't see theaters seating like one in an airline and they also get more money wit more people in it.

on Jul 01, 2009

Next we'll be hearing from a tub of lard...

on Jul 01, 2009

Is the fatty in a center seat? If you have 3/4 of a seat and the fatty has 1 and 1/2, that makes 2 and 1/4 seats, but it seems only 2 are being paid for. Seems the Airlines getting screwed on this one.

I'm so confused....

Yes, the fatty is in the centre. 3/4 + 1 1/2 + 3/4 = 3

on Jul 01, 2009


Someone is too familiar with Ken Wilbur.

I still call bullshit on that.

I'm not familiar with that one.  I googled Ken Wilbur, but there were a bunch of words on the Wiki about him.  So many words.  I probably could have read them if I had that kind of attention span. 


on Jul 01, 2009

I googled Ken Wilbur, but there were a bunch of words on the Wiki about him. So many words. I probably could have read them if I had that kind of attention span.


In one of his books, he talks about three areas that can be considered objective: the "Good," the "True" and the "Beautiful."

I don't think beauty is objective... look at various things that are considered beautiful throughout the world in a physical sense: the Meso-Americans and their lip plates, the Chinese and their bound feet, etc. 

on Jul 01, 2009

BMI is the epitome of retarded scientist bullshit.  I'm 5'11ish and 165 pounds or so. I've got eight inch biceps and a 32 inch waist.  I'm a scrawny little shit.  Someone with lighter bones and significantly lower muscle density would be a lardass with those numbers.  Some people don't actually float in water, others can't sink if their life depends on it.  Charging by weight and charging them extra because they're a fat ass and take up two seats are two different problems, BMI is just worthless for either of them.


Yeah, I don't actually know how tall I am, it's amazing how hard it is to remember things like that when you don't care.

on Jul 02, 2009

eight inch biceps
You've got to be kidding. I've got 8 inch *wrists*. 8 inch biceps would snap like a twig even with the best muscle density on the planet. You probably mean 28 inch biceps which is not all that great for a male in moderate shape.

Think about it, an 8 inch bicep divided by pi means that your upper arm diameter would be 2.5 inches. That's ridiculuous. 

on Jul 02, 2009

Did you miss the scrawny little shit part?  My wrists are thumb to forefinger.  To be fair, that's eight without flexing, but I don't really give a shit how wimpy I come across as.

on Jul 02, 2009

Those last three comments cracked me up!

Now take this as a boundary condition: If x were the size of your arms and t is the time to get big arms, then the first derivative is the velocity, the second the acceleration, and this would be the equation describing how you would get massive arms.  Or you can just take some Roids and shrink your boys!

Psy, at least you know that you're not the bovine that Fuzzy was referring to.

Fuzzy Logic
Next we'll be hearing from a tub of lard...

Yeah we've just heard from Boney McSlim

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