For the last couple of days, Firefox 3.0.7 (on XP) has not been remembering any of my login details for any site. It was working ok before.
Before I try an uninstall/reinstall does anyone have any ideas?
Was it the last Windows update? Hmmm...
True, still, that's better than nothing.
Google Chrome
Not so much dislike of FF as dislike of their rabid fans and excuse makers. FF is far from perfect. I use it, and IE7, and chrome... for different things. But I recognize that FF is very buggy...
There has been tons of memory leaks in FF2 that were always quashed by rabid fans saying things like "there is a cahcing feature and you just don't understand what a mem leak is"... then FF3 comes about and one of its features is "over 300 memory leaks fixed"... FF still leaks memory out the wazoo btw.
FF using a gig and a half of RAM when it only had 3 tabs open was...not my idea of a good time.
True, but it's a lot better now than it was in 2 or 1.
I upgraded from 4 to 8GB of ram... its so cheap right now and I don't wanna bother with it.
FF3 does not leak much. However it does not end sessions of the closed tabs. It has the advantage they could be easily revived, if one accidentaly closes them. However it consumes memory. I prefer it this way - a lot of memory is no problem nowadays. What I dislike on FF3 is Stardock forums do not work properly with this browser.
This is now fixed. I restored Windows from back-up to a version before Tuesday's update. All is well again.
Typical how Windows Update solves one problem but creates others.
I don't have any forum problems with FF3, and with four tabs open it's stable at around 92Mb memory...
And that's why I have Windows Updates disabled
Glad you fixed it, man.
Could this be a conspiracy by Microsoft to get users to abandon XP by breaking it with funky updates?
Nah, that can't be it.
Yup, that's it orright... and an attempt to get users to abandon FF for IE, they just didn't count on it breaking IE as well.
Everything breaks IE.
yeah.....and it's really annoying....
Microsoft... the bastards
Yeah, I've heard logging onto the Playboy site consistently breaks it.... wonder if that's payback cos non of the MS bigwigs ever get invited to Hef's parties at the Playboy mansion.