A new version of the WannaCry ransomware is hitting organisations worldwide. It's already affecting some major organisations, such as the UK's NHS.

Lock down your PCs now and update any anti-ransomeware programs you have. Better safe than sorry as they say.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 15, 2017

Twice this past weekend I was Browser high-jacked while reading news stories.  I reported the high-jacks with website URL's to my AV vender.

Both times it was attempting to download and run a .hta file (which is an HTML file) as a fake Flash Player update.

I corrected the problem so far by first, not allowing the download, and second, by turning-off Flash Player in Edge.

My other advice(in addition to turning-off Flash Player when browsing) is do not run your computers with UAC turned-off. 

Most of these hacks today are made by corrupting Web Pages through Flash Player so even though you are on a legitimate web page you can be hijacked to a malicious web page where a malicious script will immediately run and attempt to infect your PC.

Good luck and safe computing everyone.

on May 17, 2017

I use MailWasher Pro to delete e-mails before they get to my PC.

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