February is here, so let's see those desktop screenshots...
I change my second version a little bit.I don't like the 'startbottom' -so I make for me a new version:
-Been workin on this one all month
What you think about this desk?:
Hy G3mpi3
What kind of Mediaplayer with what skin do you use?
Greets from(°>..<°)\_(,,)__(,,)_/|/......\|/.........\
Martin and his two budgerigars
CD Art Display. There's a lot of great skins for it.
hi G3mpi3, i live very near durdle door =]
Your kidding! I'm so jealous - You mind If I pay you a visit? haha seriously though, that's really cool.
Which one look better the first with the white&chrome startbuttom or these one with a black&chrome startbuttom?
Mostly "Organic" found here at Wincustomize.
Okay, here is what my desktop looks like now, a great Theme, Armageddon by Xiandi and Murex.
Just waiting on a few tweaks by Xiandi and Murex and a IconPackager and this will be uploaded as a Theme Manager Suite.
Here is my current destop as you can see I use Winsteps Next start for start bar colours modified by me. My WB as you can see is Armaggdon. I use fences to hide most of my Icons. I really am into these colours, I go through Moods right now I am into warm colours. I ahve had the blues. I have been into Greens in the past