Published on December 11, 2009 By Fuzzy Logic In Personal Computing

A few years ago when I updated from XP to Vista, I learned to my dismay that my Nikon software wouldn't work on Vista with no plans for it to be updated.

So, I spent £90 on Nikon's CaptureNX. A brilliant piece of software for editing NEF files.

Guess what... Nikon has no plans to update CaptureNX for use on Windows7

This means I have to either buy new software, or use one of my old PCs. Dual boot isn't an option uless I want to reinstall everything. At the moment I can't access any of my NEF files. Free editing software will be released at the the end of January, but that doesn't have the power of NX.

What a load of crap

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 13, 2009

I know how you feel Mike.... I just got windows 7 and found that my onboard sound doesn't work. Dell are not making drivers for it either, so I have a silent PC. I guess I'll have to pay out for a sound card now....... I hope I have a spare pci slot!

There's always USB sound cards. A lot of the high-end gaming headphones use USB, so it can't be that bad, right?

You could try running Windows XP inside VirtualBox and running the software in there, performance may be lacking but it's worth a try, and I doubt it's gonna be any worse than using an older computer.

There's also VMware or Windows Virtual PC, both free. (VMware is only free for personal use though).

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